Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nak bawak ape yer...?

Assalamualaikum...hrmm...tajuk arini nak bawak ape yer... :) actually i got one problem i love to change handbag...well its one of gurls accessories rite :P that's not the main problem...the problem is when i change handbag i keep left one thing member card (coz its in the other bag) make-ups...coins charger (incase i want to stay night at frens house, then end up borrowing theirs) last2 kne buat list to be worst kne hafal list kelakar...well i'm clumsy what really suppose to bring in the handbag...duk2 pikir tibe2 rase eh...i shud rite it in my blog.... :) the list ape yg patut kite bwk dlm handbag for a clumsy lady like me...not suggesting for kalo nk follow ape salahnyer ;) first thing...nowadays u got to have a bigger handbag...not the one u cud hide in it...but the one u can carry it with like 24/7...mostly a bigger strap make u more comfortable either sling ur back or carry it on one side of the here is my list.. :)) 1) of coz lah ur purse (consist "is all about money,money,money" :)) and the important stuff like id, license etc) 2) ur handphone/cellularphone/smartphone hehehe just ur phone lah ;P 3) coins purse (incase ur purse do not hv the coins part, n its very important to hv coins with u! trust me) 4) compatible phonebook (incase ur phone run out of battery if u hv 1 phone like me...) 5) makeups...yeay! (this is 2nd fav stuff in handbag after the phone ;D lipbalm, foundation powder, eyeliner etc) 6) tissue (bring lots lots lots of this coz u doesn't know where u r heading everyday) 7) baby wipes (to be practical bring this too if cleanliness is ur middle name ;P) 8) ointment oil n case (incase u mcm i sumtime x tahan dlm tempoh lame dlm kenderaan so u need this...) 9) spectacles case (since i'm wearing it so i need this lol...) 10) last but not least 'girl things' only gurl knows it hehehe... for emergency... this is my top ten stuff in my handbag...but i accidentally suke tambah barang lain mengikut situasi...such as like small towel, sunglassess, accesories bangles, pin tudung extra, or tudung extra, ipad, hand sanitizer, lotion, n mcm2 lg lah...smpi terkadang rase hairan aik mcm mana brg nie boleh ade dlm handbag...sedangkan diri sendiri yg taruk :D so how about u gurls ade yg bwk mcm i x...mcm nk angkut satu rumah dlm handbag hahahaha :D

Monday, May 14, 2012

fatimah binti...??

Assalamualaikum... This is my 1st writting in blog....x tau nk tulis ape...fikir2 why not I begin with sumthing near me...fikir2 name would be a brand for the x payah nk ckp orang putih sangatlah....yes my name is melayu berasal dari Malaysia bumi aman bertuah saya...mesti ade yg bace n ckp yelah kt Malaysia tp kt mane... :) yes nk tulis lah nie...saya dekat negeri Perak darul ridzuan...ermm...nk detail lg kne lah kenal saya dlu hehehe.... Jangan hairan atau rasa pelik dgn tajuk di atas fatimah binti...?? okay utk menghilangkan kekusutan kt minda korang yg duk fikir pasal tajuk tue...hehehe of cozlh saya berbintikan ayah saya..dlu saya pernah hairan kenapa saya dinamakan fatimah...well i'm the only daugther among the torn :D sorry bro...but u guys really poke me wif all kind of toys rite...pedang adiwira konon...firework yg murah giler gune dawai besi tue smpi abis lah melecur tgn kaki bagai...all sort of lidi waktu nk buat kite...and byk lg lah...u deserve to be torn argue :P sambung balik citer td...saya pun x mum ckp amik name tok dulu2 which i think my mum refer to great great granny u will be good as her...haaaa...? mcm2 ade yg ckp gune name auntylh with same reason...but i kind like my name...hey is my name rite i have to like it....lagipun nama anak perempuan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pun Fatimah jgak...even if i cr makne name i will write the itulah post saye my name... :))how 'bout u gurls, ade x name mcm saye...